Kokanee Attracting Dodgers System 2 Gold

System 2 Gold Blade Royal Purple

203 Gold Blade Royal Purple

System 2 Dodger Gold Blade Royal Purple

Qty @ $9.50

Matching Lures
#705 Royal Purple Lure

#203 Kokanee Attracting Dodgers System 2 Gold Blade Royal Purple: Purple Sparkle Pads – both sides. Purple is a bright color all the way down the water column. Metallic pink beads pivot the over-sized gold ribbed spinner up front. This setup has been "killer" at Berryessa and a host of other lakes.

501 Gold Blade Royal Orange

System 2 Dodger Gold Royal Orange

Qty @ $9.50

Matching Lures
#714 Royal Orange Lure

#501 Kokanee Attracting Dodgers System 2 Gold Blade Royal Orange: Textured UV red-orange pads – both sides. UV orange beads pivot the over-sized gold ribbed spinner up front. Insiders know the value of this setup

503 Gold Blade Royal Emerald

System 2 Dodger Gold Royal Emerald

Qty @ $9.50

Matching Lures
#702 Royal Emerald Lure

#503 Kokanee Attracting Dodgers System 2 Gold Blade Royal Emerald: Holographic UV Green pads – both sides. Metallic green beads pivot the over-sized gold ribbed spinner up front.

506 Gold Blade Royal Pink

System 2 Dodger Gold Blade Royal Pink

Qty @ $9.50

Matching Lures
#706 Royal Pink Lure

#506 Kokanee Attracting Dodgers System 2 Gold Blade Royal Pink: Holographic UV Hot Pink pads – both sides. Hot UV pink beads pivot the oversized ribbed gold spinner. For many, this is a "go to" setup.

Mid-size SYSTEM 2 Dodgers are designed for use in waters in mid-season when cooler water is in 25-70+ feet of the water column. At these depths Kokanee tend to be selective but are becoming more reactive, making these color choices and dodger size both critical and effective. Note: Depth is determined by the fish. For example, it may be late June, but it may also be ice-out in the North, but the fish may be at 70 feet in the South. Use of a quality color fish finder is key, as well as using a device that can accurately measure temperature at depth such as those manufactured by FishHawk Electronics.

Why gold?

Gold has unique properties in the water. As you go down the water column, the yellow component in gold is filtered out (absorbed by the water), darkening the gold dodger blade and gold components. This has a wonderful increase in visibility for gold against the water surrounding it. Gold dodgers should be presented at increased speeds because you will use them to provoke a bite when regular nickel presentations seem to be ineffective. The larger and ribbed gold spinner will add increased vibrations to your presentation.

Always fish a lure that matches the color scheme of the dodger leading it. Kokanee will first key in on the dodger (attraction). The dodger color scheme imprints the Kokanee with a particular color sequence, which is best duplicated in the lure (provoking a strike). See Match Match The Dodger To The Correct Lure Chart to order the correct lures.


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